The documentary Cocalero follows the current President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, as he is campaigning. This film importantly shows a movement that impacted and helped the indigenous people of Evo’s country. In a time where being or looking indigenous in any way did not put one in a high social standing, Morales worked to give these people back their rights. In Suzana Sawyer’s article, “The 1992 Indian Mobilization in Lowland Ecuador” the impacts of the indigenous movements in other countries are shown. The people that supported these movements were attempting to get away from the Americanized ways of life that had been plaguing Latin America for years. They are still working to bring back their heritage and teach people the significance of preserving these traditions, along with things like the rainforest. This article exemplifies just how big this movement was, with five thousand Indians marching for equality in a land that was originally theirs in the first place. When watching the documentary, we see how Evo Morales supported the ideals and interests of the natives, especially the coca growers, which is a pivotal part of their income.
Les Field’s article “Ecuador’s Pan-Indian Uprising” demonstrates the government’s willingness to do anything to stamp out the native’s march for equality. The state military was sent out in full force to stop the Indians’ march to Quito. This is different from the documentary in the way that the indigenous people of Bolivia fought their hardships through politics and the people of Ecuador fought it through protest. The role of the farmers played a huge part in the protests of both of these countries. The native people, whose entire incomes rest on the year’s harvest, mainly run the agriculture industry. This is why Morales is working against American policies in Bolivia, especially against people who want to stop the production of the coca plant. There are many American policies that have hurt the economy and industry of Latin American countries over the last century, and the indigenous people who are affected the most are finally taking a stand against it.
These protests and political actions are a huge step for the indigenous people of all countries in Latin America, who were actually banned from participating in any political events in the not so distant past, according to Sawyer’s article. Especially in Bolivia, the election of Morales is reversing the damage that was done over years past. The natives are finally getting a voice after having their land encroached on and being forcibly taken away basically since Europeans invaded the Americas. One can hope that these people have continued success in becoming equal citizens of their respective countries.
I thought it was interesting as well to see how this has been such a problem for the indigenous people for such a long time. They do just want to keep their culture and land, having to fight through marches and political uprisings to try and do so. I like that they have a voice through Evo Morales. It's interesting to see how the people in Bolivia still regard those of the indigenous culture so lowly on the todem pole of social classes. I liked that point. It seems that some of the others of Bolivia have not given the indigenous people a chance to move up the ladder, and it's their fault that they are still so disregarded as a culture.